Friday, February 5, 2010

Wedding Readings In Spanish And English What Are The Readings For A Bilingual Catholic Wedding Ceremoney?

What are the readings for a bilingual catholic wedding ceremoney? - wedding readings in spanish and english

Hello, I have a bilingual Catholic ceremony for the first reading in English and two in Spanish. The best man, "My friend wants to try to read in advance. They know what they are?


Reba said...

Because marriage is a Catholic community, to marry in a prospectus must be given to planning the ceremony. The brochure lists the different versions to choose from, and exchange vows and rings.

In addition to the reading of the 1st and 2 Reading, there is also a reading of the Gospel by the priest and the prayers of failthful which is made by a person of your choice. It would probably be better, the prayers of the faithful in the Middle-English and half in Spanish, because people can respond, "Lord, here our prayer."
All these elements can be found in the brochure.

If the book is in English, I am sure that in Spanish, can be translated or find a Bible in Spanish and are looking cabildos and verse, and copy from there.

Good luck!

Answer Girl 2007 said...

I suppose a Catholic Mass would cause it to Spanish and English.

I had the same values, the results of how to use it in a language English Mass and the readings of the Catholic Bible are the same regardless of which language is spoken in

Lydia said...

It depends on what is in that particular church, and you need to make a decision. May be your priests, you give a brochure.

imacatho... said...

There are many options for reading in a Catholic marriage.

Here are some suggestions:

First Reading - Old Testament
+ Genesis 2:18-24
+ Songs of Songs 2:8-10, 13b-14, 16, 8:6-7
+ Sirach 26:1-4, 13-16
+ A 1:26-28,31 Genesis (the creation of man and woman)
+ Genesis 24:48-51,58-67 (The Meeting of Isaac and Rebecca)
Tobit 7:9 + C10, 11c-17 ( "The Marriage of Tobias and Sara)
+ Tobit 8:4-9 (Prayer of the newlyweds)
+ Jeremiah 31.31-32a ,33-34a (Alliance of the Parliamentary Group of the New People's God)

+ Psalm 34
+ Psalm 103
+ Psalm 128
+ Psalm 33 (The Lord our help and our shield, our hearts rejoice in it)
+ Psalm 34 (The angel of the Lord encamped around those who fear him, and rescue)
+ Psalm 46 (God is our refuge and strength, an ever-Aid) in distress
Psalms for 103 + (As a father, pity his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him)
+ Psalm 112 (Blessed is the man who fears the Lord)
+ Psalm 121 (My help comes from the LOrd, who made heaven and earth) has
+ Psalm 127 (Children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward)
+ Psalm 128 (Happiness and prosperity will be yours)
+ Psalm 145 (The Lord is nigh unto all that call upon him, those invited to the truth)

Second Reading - Letter
+ 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
+ Colossians 3:12-17
+ 1 John 4:7-12
+ Romans 8:31 b-35 ,37-39 (The Love of Christ)
+ Romans 12:1-2,9-13 (Life as a Christian) - Summary
+ Romans 12:1-2,9-18 (Life as a Christian) - longer version
+ 1 Corinthians 6:13 C-15A ,17-20 (The members of the temple of the Holy Spirit)
+ 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 (Love is patient and kind)
+ Ephesians 3:14-19 (The Father from whom every family is named)
+ Ephesians 5:1-2,25-32 (The Mystery of Christian Marriage) - Summary
+ Ephesians 5:1-2,21-33 (The Mystery of Christian Marriage) - longer version
+ Colossians 3:12-17 (live in the love and grace)
+ 1 Peter 3:1-9 (Peace and harmony in the family)
+ 1 John 3:18-24 (Lovand real and active)
+ 1 John 4:7-12 (God is Love)
+ Revelation 19:1,5-9a (Marriage of the Lamb)

+ Mark 10:6-9
+ John 2:1-11
+ John 15:9:12
+ Matthew 5:1-12a (The Beatitudes)
+ Matthew 5:13-16 (Salt of the Earth, Light of the World)
+ Matthew 7:21,24-25 (house built on a rock) - Summary
+ Matthew 7:21,24-29 (house on a rock) - Long Version
+ Matthew has put together 19:3-6 (What God let no man put asunder)
+ Matthew 22:35-40 (Love, the greatest commandment)
+ Mark 10:6-9 (two shall become one flesh)
+ John 2:1-11 (Wedding at Cana in Galilee)
+ John 15:9-12 (If) in my love
+ John 15:12-16 (Love One Another)
+ John 17:20-23 (all be one) - Summary
+ John 17:20-26 (all be one) - long version

With love in Christ.

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