Friday, January 29, 2010

Flying Blue And White Magic Deck Help/ Suggestions For A Wizard Deck (mtg)?

Help/ suggestions for a wizard deck (mtg)? - flying blue and white magic deck

I've been right to want the bridges of magic this summer, and addictive
Main colors: white, blue and black
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions of good cards, or how I would be very grateful!

I am looking for a cover to do with spells, so creatures with flying.
In view especially for a good blue cover
as I said, all suggestions are very useful!


Dratinic... said...

If you want to make your own deck together, I suggest just a few card games online and make combos there.

If you have something different starter decks buy "Esper Artifice", "Esper Air Assault" and "Legion Aloft.
You have an important role in the game, which I use regularly, I simply "played Esper.

Esper is full of artifacts, as seen in the name. In addition, many of them are forced to flee, as seen in the names of second and third place. Try to go to the first third with only two colors, black and blue.

If you are not satisfied, add another white. So that you can get a lot of letters on the bridge, first and second, making it easier for you to be able to receive the card after the card into your deck.

If you want something good for the fight, I suggest, is to cancel, cheap and falls quickly to any threat to increase the enemies of May.

Keith said...

Punish Ignorance is a major exorcism. Check out the new sets (Shards of Alara, Conflux and Alara Reborn) for cold cards.

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